Sunday, May 29, 2011


Some useful tips to prevent Hair loss are 

  1. Fenugreek Seeds: Soak some fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Next morning, use this liquid to gently massage your scalp. Leave this for 3 hours before washing hair with normal water.
  2. Egg Yolk and Honey: Massage scalp with raw egg yolk and honey. Leave this for about an hour before washing hair.
  3. Wheat Germ: Mix about 2.5 tablespoons of milk powder, 1 egg and 1 tablespoon of wheat germ oil .Massage it on the scalp and leave it for about half an hour. Wash hair with a mild shampoo.
  4. Aloe Vera: Massage scalp and hair with aloe Vera gel. Leave it for half an hour before washing hair and scalp. Repeat this treatment 3 times a week.
  5. Henna: Smear paste of henna on your scalp and leave the paste for an hour before washing your hair in luke-warm water. Continue the treatment once every week.
  6. Boil some methi powder in the oil, cool it and then apply it regularly on the scalp to prevent hair fall.
  7. Aloe Vera juice taken empty stomach early in the morning and sesame seeds (used as salad dressing) help in reducing hair loss.
  8. Juice made from lettuce and spinach leaves mixed with carrot juice is helpful in treating hair fall. 
  9. A diet rich in silica, vitamin E, protein, iron & vitamin C help to reduce hair loss.

  • Silica rich foods – Raw oats, green & red pepper, cucumber & sprouts.
  • Vitamin E rich foods - wheat germ, green leafy vegetables, almonds
  • Iron – Green leafy vegetables, dates.
  • Vitamin C – Amla , lemon, orange , kiwi , rasberry
 Conditioner for damaged hair :

              -- 2 tablespoon (30 ml) of honey
              -- 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of olive oil
              -- 4 drops of essential oil of rosemary
              Mix ingredients in a small bowl and apply to dampened hair.
              Keep it for 10 mins and then wash hairs.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


  • Simply inhale the cinnamon oil to help with nausea.
  • Cinnamon powder can be sprinkled over the food to reduce nausea.
  • Take 1 Bran Biscuit / Marie Lite Biscuit / Multigrain Biscuit along with Tea / Green Tea / Jasmine Tea early morning.
  • Sip fluids slowly to calm your stomach without irritating it further. Drink clear liquids like water, weak tea, and ginger Squash. Sugary drinks may calm your stomach more, and avoid acidic drinks like orange juice, tomato juice, and coffee.
  • While you're nauseous, stay away from spicy and fatty foods, and avoid strong food odors from cooking or restaurants.
  • If you're vomiting, stay away from solid foods until at least six hours after last throwing up.
  • Laying down may soothe nausea more than sitting up; find the most comfortable (least nauseating) position for you and stay there as long as you can, or until your nausea goes away.
  • Ginger is a widely recognized natural remedy for nausea. Add a little ginger to your queasy stomach (up to three times a day) in the form of ginger ale, ginger root capsules, powdered ginger, ginger tea, or fresh minced ginger added to food or tea. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Salad for Summers

Creamy fruit summer salad

1 cup cubed ripe papaya
1 cup cubed red apple chilled

1 cup diced pears
2 tbsp diced celery
2 tbsp orange or apple juice 
½ cup vanilla yogurt

2 tsp low cal mayonnaise
1 tsp zero or brown sugar
¼ tsp cinnamon powder
1 tbsp chopped nuts
1 tbsp raisins

In medium bowl, combine all salad fruits, raisins and celery with orange juice & toss gently. In small bowl blend vanilla yoghurt, mayonnaise, cinnamon powder & sugar. Mix the fruits with the dressing and garnished with chopped nuts. Refrigerate for half an hour and serve chilled.