Sunday, November 16, 2014

Weather is changing , Immunity is decreasing

Today I went to hospital with my son as he was repeatedly  catching cold and cough  from play school. Dr. appointment list was full as all kids are suffering from cold and cough and low immunity. 
Why winter approaches and immunity decreases among children? For this first we must know 

What is immunity?

In medical terms  immunity is the state of having sufficient biological defenses to avoid infectiondisease, or other unwanted biological invasion. It is the capability of the body to resist harmful microorganisms or viruses from entering it.

How to increase immunity?

1. Yogurt
Probiotics, or the "live active cultures" found in yogurt, are healthy bacteria that keep the gut and intestinal tract free of disease-causing germs. 
2. Citrus

Citrus such as oranges, mandarins, grapefruit, lemons and limes are an excellent source of vitamin C which helps maintain the body’s defense against bacterial infections. Citrus has a unique type of fibre that appears to dramatically reduce cholesterol.

3. Carrot

Carrots contain vitamin A precursors called carotenoids (Beta carotene) that help promote vision and support a healthy immune system.

4. Turmeric

Curcumin is the active ingredient in Turmeric, responsible for the distinct yellow coloring and the impressive list of health properties. Curcumin is anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, detoxifying and amazing for digestive health. Turmeric has been linked to the prevention of cancer cell growth and management of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, asthma, eczema and inflammatory bowel disease. It is a nutritional powerhouse, rich in manganese, zinc, B group vitamins and iron.

5. Papaya

This golden fruit is so nutritionally rich that it is known as the medicine tree in Africa and the Caribbean. The enzyme papain is extracted from papaya, and is beneficial for those with digestive problems. Papaya is a rich source of beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A in the body and promotes healthy eyes, skin and tissues

6. Ginger 
Ginger has potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It helps to boost immune function and combat cellular damage. This gut friendly spice stimulates digestion, gut motility and bowel function, while helping to relieve bloating, cramping and nausea. Ginger to be as effective as pharmaceutical agents in relieving PMS pain in women.

7. Garlic

Garlic is also an immune system warrior, protecting the body from infections and illness. Garlic contains allicin, a potent phytonutrient that is great for cardiac health. It has been shown to help lower blood pressure, inhibit blood clotting and promote healthy cholesterol levels.

8. Pineapple

They are jam packed with B group vitamins including thiamine (B1) and B6, which are vital for energy metabolism and nerve function. Pineapples contain the enzyme bromelain, renowned for aiding protein digestion which allows your body to utilise immune boosting amino acids effectively.

9. Cruciferous Vegetables
These include kale, broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage. They help support liver and immune function by boosting the liver’s ability to flush out toxins.
10. Berries

Rich in vitamin C and polyphenols that help promote healthy tissues and organs.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Six Tastes of Food

  1. The Sweet Taste - The sweet taste increases bodily tissues, nourishes and comforts the body and relieves hunger. Most grains, fruits are of sweet taste. Almost all foods contain some degree of sweetness. This is most dominant taste of all our forms of sustenance.
  2. The Sour Taste - The sour taste is used in small quantities by everyone. It aids in digestion and the elimination of waste from the body. Many fruits like lemon, limes, grape fruit, berries are considered to be sour with some sweetness. All fermented foods like soya sauce, yogurt, pickles are sour foods.
  3. The Pungent Taste - The pungent taste stimulates appetite, maintains the metabolism and balance of secretions in the body. Spices such as garlic, ginger, asafoetida (hing) , peppers and all volatile oils are considered pungent.
  4. The Salty Taste - The salty taste cleanses bodily tissues, makes the system limber and activates digestion. This taste exist in all salts and seaweeds. Most watery vegetables like zucchini (tori type), cucumber and  green leafy vegetables are naturally high in salt.
  5. The Bitter ( कडवा )Taste - The bitter taste is good for everyone in medicinal quantities. It detoxifies the body, tones the organs, cleanses the liver and control skin ailments. This taste exist in all bitter food like turmeric, aloe vera, neem leaves, bitter gourd (karela), lettuce. 
  6. The Astringent ( स्तंभक )Taste - As with bitter, the astringent taste is to be used medicinally. Astringency heals the body by its constrictive nature. It reduces secretion and is the most stark of the six tastes. Some examples of astringent foods are tannin, teas made from barks of trees, legumes. 
Include all six tastes of food in daily diet.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

‎7 Dangerous acts after a meal

I have seen many people following wrong practice after eating meal and has hazardous effect on body. 

1. Don’t smoke - Experiments from experts proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarettes (chances of cancer is higher)

2. Don’t eat fruits immediately - Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. There fore take fruits 1 -2 hours after meal or 1 hour before meal.

3. Don’t drink tea - Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the protein content in the food we consume to be hinder thus difficult to digest.

4. Don’t loosen your belt - Loosening the belt after meal will easily cause the intestine to 
be twisted and blocked.

5. Don’t bathe - Bathing after meal will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs and body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease, this will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.

6. Don’t walk about - People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you 
will live till 99. In actual fact this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake.

7. Don’t sleep immediately - The food we intake will not be to digest properly. Thus will lead to gastric and infection in our intestine.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


The Latin name for Coriander is Coriander Sativum.
Health benefits of coriander  (Home remedies) -
          Coriander helps to prevent digestive disorders such as indigestion and flatulence.
          Coriander leaves helps to increase appetite and helps to stimulate hunger in anorexic  patients.
          Coriander leaves along with heeng, rock salt and cumin seed when mixed with buttermilk and taken after meals, helps to improve digestion and prevents abdominal distention.  
          Regular intake of coriander tea also helps to lower the blood cholesterol levels.
          Coriander seeds when soaked in water overnight and then taken along with buttermilk early in the morning helps in dysentry.
          The juice of coriander is also used for treating nausea, and morning sickness.
          Coriander is used in the treatment of colitis and some of the liver disorders. Coriander seeds also help to reduce acid peptic disease.
          Coriander seeds also help to reduce body fever by inducing urination.
          It is used in
  •         improving appetite,
  •         relieving constipation and flatulence.

·         Coriander seed oil is an aromatic stimulant, a carminative and an appetizer.
·         It helps in treating-
  •         piles, headache and swellings.
  •         colic, rheumatism and neuralgia;
  •          mouth ulcers (when applied in the form of seed paste) and other ulcers.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Acidity - Do's and Don't

       DON’TS -

  • Spicy foods such as  chili and barbecue sauces made with hot pepper
  • Indian dishes containing thick curry and Chinese recipes that contain red pepper.
  • Citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruit should be avoided as they are high in acid.
  • Full fat dairy products such as sour cream, cheese or ice cream
  • Cut out fatty food; Hamburger or cuts of meat with excess fat
  • Eggs, tuna and sandwiches made with cold cuts
  • Coffee, tea, chocolate and soft drinks
  • Peas, beans, broccoli and cabbage
  • Tomatoes and onions
  • Pickles, oily, spicy food
  • Cheese items and junk food
  • Raw salad vegetables like onion, radish, cabbage, and peppers should be avoided.
DO’S -
  • Dates, figs, apple, papaya and pomegranate can be added
  • Carrot leaves, celery leaves, curry leaves are helpful controlling acidity
  • Vegetables like carrot and beet root are good for acidity.
  • Spices like cumin seeds, coriander and cardamom are to be taken.
  • One should include barley, jowar and wheat is good for staple food.
  • A  glass of cold milk is also helpful
  • Almonds are also a good source for relieving the heartburn and acidity. 
  • Take some mint leaves and chop these, then boil in a cup of water and sip slowly after meals.
  • Eating bananas is also helpful in preventing the symptoms of acidity
  • Basil (tulsi) leaves helps to get relief from burning, nausea and gas.
  • Eat a serving of cucumber or watermelon  to fight against acidity.
  • Ginger is very useful for digestive disorders. It help to relieve indigestion from rich foods. Make a fine powder by adding equal amounts of ginger powder, black pepper, dried mint leaves, asafetida (hing), anise seeds, coriander seeds, cumin, fennel and common salt. Dosage: Take about 1 teaspoon of this powder with water, twice a day after meals.
  • It is advised to eat 10-12 glass of water daily. Drinking water gives immediate relief to symptoms like wind, distended stomach and acidity.
  • Drink 1-2 glasses of lukewarm water early morning to keep yourself healthy and free from acidity
  • Remain Calm. One may find that doing yoga or other stress-reducing activities will be very effective for their acidity
  • Use Gravity When one feel acid reflux symptoms, remain upright. This means that one should not lie down after you've had a meal.
  • Loosen Clothing - If one is wearing tight, restrictive clothing, it's time to loosen up. By undoing a belt, removing tight-fitting panty hose, or releasing any other kinds of tight waistbands, one will remove a great deal of pressure from ones stomach.
  • Eat small, regular meals based on whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals and moderate amount of proteins such as lean meat, eggs.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Healthy Eating During Winter

Choosing foods that are locally grown, organic and seasonal are healthy for our environment and our bodies. Environmentally, we save costs of energy used to ship foods long distances & support local farmers. Our bodies also thrive on season specific food because it provides us with different nutrients that help boost our immune system and overall “hardiness” for the winter months. However, with the long winter months it can be challenging at times. Some tips:

  • Choose Bright colored vegetables such as squashes, pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, etc which contain Vitamin C, Potassium, B vitamins, and help with serotonin (“happy” chemical) and immune system. 

  • Avocados (Makhanphal): Rich in antioxidants and fatty acids Omega 3 & 6. 

  • Wild Cod, Salmon, whole eggs for extra vitamin D which aids in overall well being, regulates use of calcium, keeps blood pressure balanced. 

  • Asparagus (Shatavari) contains antioxidants, Folic Acid, vitamin A, K, C, for heart health, aids reducing inflammation and increases kidney health. 

  • Pomegranate: antioxidants, increase blood circulation, help cholesterol health. 

  • Oregano Oil (Ajwain Leaves): great antimicrobial (natural anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal) to increase immune strength, increase joint and muscle flexibility, increase digestive health. 

  • Do your best to choose a variety of fresh local, organic and seasonal! 

  • Eat stored seasonal fresh and dried foods when possible.

  • Soups and stews made from seasonal vegetables, legumes, and lentils can be nutritious and warming meals. 

  • Avoid white sugar and processed foods that deplete the body.

  • Stay hydrated with plenty of water, and non-caffeinated beverages. Herbal teas are particularly enjoyable during the winter. 

  • A good regimen of supplements can support a winter diet. Particularly important in winter are vitamin D, Vitamin C, Omega 3’s and Zinc.

  • Sunday, September 25, 2011

    Benefits Of Barley

    Barley is the fourth important cereal crop in the world and sixth in India. Barley resembles wheat in composition although it is less palatable. The barley grain, is also called 'Pearl Barley', is prepared by removal of outer husk. 

    Food Value of Barley 
    Barley is very nutritious and rich source of protein and B complex vitamins.
    • Most of the world's barley crop is converted into malt. It is most important grain used in the brewing of beer. 
    • Barley cannot be used for leavened bread because of low gluten content. 
    • It is much used in soups. 
    • Earlier barley was widely used as feed for live stock. 

    Nutritional Values
    Barley, Pearled, Cooked
    Serving Size: 1/2 cup
    Calories: 97
    Fat: 1 g
    Saturated Fat: 1 g 
    Cholesterol: 0 mg
    Carbohydrate: 22 g 
    Protein: 2 g
    Dietary Fiber: 3 g
    Sodium: 2 mg

    Niacin: 2 mg 
    Iron: 1 mg 
    Manganese: 1 mg

    Natural Benefits of Barley
    • Barley has many medicinal benefits. Pearled barley, which is the form of the grain is largely eaten and consumed as a food. 
    • The malt prepared from barley is used in the preparation of malt extract for the incorporation in the diet of the infants.
    • The partially germinated and dried grain is the source of malt extract which is more nutritious than the unmalted barley. 
    • The pearled barley has always been used by orient traditional physician for the healing and rejuvenation of the digestive system. 
    • Barley has the weight loss benefits of this low in fat food and low in cholesterol. 
    • Barley is rich in insoluble fiber. As insoluble fiber absorbs water, it add bulks and speeds intestinal content through the body.
    • As barley cooks, the starch in it swells and absorbs water, making it soft and bulky. This makes it the perfect thickener for soups, stews, and traditional Scotch broth soup. Barley can be successfully substituted for rice in almost any recipe. It has more flavor than white rice though it isn't as strong as brown rice -- the perfect compromise.